Lego Atlantis: The Movie is an animation that Premiered on Cartoon Network January 15th 2010. It is about the Deep Sea Salvage Crew trying to find The City of Atlantis. See links bellow for full Movie
The submarine known as the Neptune Carrier patrols the ocean at a depth of 8000 meters. It's captained by Ace Speedman, accompanied by researcher Dr. Fisher, first mate Lance Spears, and their guest Samantha "Sam" Rhodes. Although the crew is led to believe that they're recovering the wreckage of a destroyed research station, Sam reveals that she hired them to recover the lost city of Atlantis, which was allegedly in ruins following its destruction by a tsunami. Sam reveals she has a pyramid shaped map that's meant to lead them to the city, but Ace is angered by the thought as he doesn't believe in mythology.
The crew is suddenly attacked my an enormous kaiju crab that attacks them for possessing the map. The crab damages the Carrier but Ace uses an underwater scooter to lure the crab into a giant crab trap. After trapping the crab he recovers a disk shaped artifact with a crab symbol. In the sub, Sam deduces that it's a key to locating Atlantis. The grappling cable that anchored the sub suddenly snaps and the sub falls into an underwater volcano crater, but Ace manages to pilot the sub through the tunnels and out to safety. Sam states that the volcano was a portal to another depth of 15000 meters, and that they key led them to it, and that if they find all four keys they'll find Atlantis. The crew makes their way to a ruined kingdom of hostile sapient squid people. They manage to escape them but encounter a giant squid, but manage to trap him as well by restraining his tentacles to an underwater rock filled with holes.
The crew finds the second key and eventually recovers the third after encountering sapient mantas as well as a shark. After fending it off they find the third key. A manta suddenly attacks Ace and steals his eyepatch, so he chases the manta to get it back. The crew tracks him to a shark temple where they're attacked by sapient sharks, but they diver the sharks by rigging their submarines into driving themselves. The crew finds the final key and uses it to unlock a portal at the shark temple. They manage to use Ace's scooter to jump through the portal and find themselves in Atlantis. In the end they become famous for finding the city and Fisher finds the undocumented species of fish he aspired to find.
- Samantha Artisius Rhodes
- Ace Speedman
- Lance Spears
- Dr. Jeff Fisher
- Squid Warrior
- Manta Warrior
- Shark Warrior
- Gateway of the Squid
- Portal of Atlantis
- The City of Atlantis
- Extinct Volcano
- Shark Castle
- Sea Station
- Caves
A Gallery of Atlantis Wallpapers with images from the Movie that are available for download on
In Germany, the film premiered on the channel "Super RTL" by the name "Atlantis - Suche nach der versunkenen Stadt", which in English is "Atlantis - Quest for the Lost City". A teaser for the movie was shown on a page of the German 2010 consumer catalog. According to the January edition of the German LEGO Club Magazine, the film will Air again in March and September 2010 on the same channel.
The English version of the film will air on February 13th 2010 at 11:30 AM on the channel "Teletoon". A teaser for the Movie was shown on the 4th page of the Canadian Lego Club magazine.
In the US, the Movie premiered on January 15th 2010 at 8:30 PM on the station "Cartoon Network". It was shown again an hour later at 9:30 PM on the same Channel.
- The colours for the Squid an Manta Keys are reversed. The Squid Key appears Green, and the Manta Key Appears Blue. The reason for this could have be that it would be better if the Key was the same colour as certain parts of the Creature. Like the Green squid key matches the green on the head of the Giant Squid, Orange Crab Key matches the Orange on the Crab etc.
- On the Atlantis Website, parts of this movie were able to be seen in 3D.
- It is not known why Axel Storms and Bobby Buoy were not in this movie
External Links[]
- Sneak Peek 1 -
- Sneak Peek 2 -
- Lego Atlantis: The Movie Part 1 -
- Lego Atlantis: The Movie Part 2 -
- Lego Atlantis: The Movie Part 3 -
- Lego Atlantis: The Movie Part 4 -
- Lego Atlantis: The Movie Part 5 -
- Lego Atlantis: The Movie Part 6 -
- Clips of the Movie in 3D
Atlantis Media | |
Movies: | Lego Atlantis: The Movie |
Games: | Atlantis Teaser Game | Crab Attack! | The Atlantis Adventure | Tentacle Tickle! | Ocean Floor Explore | Manta Bash! | Shark Chase |
Comics: | Into The Deeps! | Battle Beneath the Sea! |
Books: | The Secret Journal of Dr.Artimus Rhodes | Lego Atlantis: The Quest For The Lost City | Lego Atlantis: The Menace from the Deep |
Websites: | Atlantis Website |
Other: | Lego Atlantis Commercial 1 | Lego Atlantis Commercial 2 |